aerospace engineering

Flight Segment

The success of a space mission depends strongly on the reliability of the flight segment. Both service platform and onboard instruments have subsystems that, if failed, would endanger the mission. The criticality of those subsystems demands a higher effort on methodologies adopted in development process, particularly in V&V processes. Through a team of specialists on software, electronics and signal processing, highly familiar with ESA’s ECSS standards and requirements, SpaceSUR provides software services for critical subsystems from flight segment.

Independent software verification and validation for onboard critical systems

Planning and conducting of V&V processes, independently and complementary to activities performed by software supplier, adapting the process proposed in the ESA ISVV Guide to the specific features of each project.

Specialized support on ECSS standards application to development of critical systems

Tailoring of ECSS standards according to project needs, analysis of the gap between methodologies adopted in a project and ESA recommendations, design of ECSS adequacy plans and support on adequacy process.